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My Name is Clinton Hulley. I have been around project cars, Racing cars, and Racing engines for a few years. Cars & engines are my passion. On this site, I will talk about race cars\ engines I was involved with and some of the project cars I built up. There is also “How to” posts that you may find interesting. When I start getting some donations I will buy some performance kits and review the kit and so a step by step installation and give my honest opinion if the kit is worth buying and how easy it is to install.
This website is a nonprofit website and purely relies on the contributions for the projects and the website and from the ads on the site if opened.
CH Crasy Ideas is a brand that was started on this website and has a channel on YouTube as well.
Please help by contributing towards the website or project, this will help with future content. All contributions will go back to the website.
If you what to share ideas for the website, you can contact me below!
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